Subtly Step More Solidly 1/30 / by Illume System Studio

April is National Poetry Month
Puddlepoems is Participating in NaPoWriMo 2015 and will post a Puddlepoem-a-day for the Month 

Something not quite right,
Out of place,

Can't put your finger on it,
But it's right there,
Waiting for you to say ohhhh,
Waiting for that stomach drop feeling,

The whoosh of realization,
Something doesn't belong,
You don't belong.

The word imposter spits at you,
Taunting you with "I see you"
"I know you." 

But it doesn't 
And you're not. 

You belong right where you stand,
Because you are standing there. 

Something not quite right,
Out of place,
You subtly step more solidly, 
shift right
Then left. 

On your place. 
You belong. 

#puddlepoem #napowrimo #1 #instagram